;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:Common-lisp; Package:MODLISP; Base:10 -*- ;; modlisp-clisp.lisp ;; adapted from modlisp-acl.lisp ;; Original CLISP adaption by Rachel Richard ;; Changes by Nils Kassube on 2001-11-24: ;; ;; - replaced :lisp by :ext for CLISP's new naming convention, ;; works now with recent CLISP distributions ;; - added modlisp-server to the :export line (in-package :user) (provide :modlisp) (eval-when (compile load eval) (defpackage :modlisp (:nicknames :lph) (:use :cl) (:export modlisp-server) )) (in-package :modlisp) ;;;;; ;;; ;;; First part adapted from server.cl ;;; ;;;;; (defvar *server-count* 0) ; used to name servers (defun make-socket-server (&key (name (format nil "socket server ~d " (incf *server-count*))) port function wait (format :text)) ;; ;; create a server process with the given name, listening on the ;; given port, running the given function on each connection that ;; comes in, and possibly waiting for that function's completion before ;; accepting a new connection. ;; ;; name - a string naming the server process -- if nil, then this ;; function will create a name. ;; port - if nil then an internet domain port number will be chosen ;; by the operating system. If a number is given then that ;; port will be used (or an error will be signalled if it ;; is already in use). If port is a string then a unix ;; domain port will be used. (this will not work on Windows). ;; function - the function to run when a connection is made. This ;; function must take one argument which is the stream used ;; used for reading from and writing to the process that connected ;; to this socket. ;; wait - if true, then the function will be run in the server process ;; and thus the server won't accept a new connection until ;; the function finishes. ;; format - :text (the default) or :binary. This determes what kind ;; of data can sent to and read from the socket stream. ;; ;; ;; ;; The return value is the port number on which the server is ;; listening. ;; (let ((passive-socket (ext:socket-server port) ; )) (start-socket-server passive-socket :function function :wait wait) (ext:socket-server-port passive-socket))) (defun start-socket-server (passive-socket &key function wait) ;; internal function run in the server lightweight process ;; that continually processes the connection. ;; This code is careful to ensure that the sockets are ;; properly closed something abnormal happens. (unwind-protect (loop (let ((connection (ext:socket-accept passive-socket))) (if wait (progn (unwind-protect (funcall function connection) (handler-case (values-list (cons t (multiple-value-list (close connection)))) (error (condition) (declare (ignore-if-unused condition)) nil)))) (unwind-protect (funcall function connection) (handler-case (values-list (cons t (multiple-value-list (close connection)))) (error (condition) (declare (ignore-if-unused condition)) nil))) ))) (handler-case (values-list (cons t (multiple-value-list (close passive-socket)))) (error (condition) (declare (ignore-if-unused condition)) nil)))) ;;;;; ;;; ;;; Second part adapted from mod-lisp.lisp ;;; ;;;;; (defconstant +apache-port+ 3000) (defvar *apache-socket* nil) ;the socket to apache (defvar *close-apache-socket* nil) ;set to t if you want to close the socket to apache (defvar *apache-nb-use-socket* 0) ;the number of requests sent in this socket (defun modlisp-server (&optional (port +apache-port+)) (make-socket-server :name "test" :port port :function 'apache-listen)) (defun apache-listen (*apache-socket*) (let ((*close-apache-socket* t)) (unwind-protect (loop for *apache-nb-use-socket* from 0 for command = (get-apache-command) while command do (process-apache-command command) (force-output *apache-socket*) until *close-apache-socket*) (close *apache-socket*)))) (defun get-apache-command () (ignore-errors (let* ((header (loop for key = (read-line *apache-socket* nil nil) while (and key (string-not-equal key "end")) collect (cons key (read-line *apache-socket* nil nil)) ))) (let* ((content-length (cdr (assoc "content-length" header :test #'equal))) (content (when content-length (make-string (parse-integer content-length :junk-allowed t))))) (when content (read-sequence content *apache-socket*) (push (cons "posted-content" content) header)) header)))) (defun process-apache-command (command) (let ((html (if (equal (cdr (assoc "url" command :test #'string=)) "/modlisp/fixed") (debug-table command) (fixed-html)))) (write-header-line "Status" "200 OK") (write-header-line "Content-Type" "text/html") (write-header-line "Content-Length" (format nil "~d" (length html))) (write-header-line "Keep-Socket" "1") (write-string "end" *apache-socket*) (write-char #\NewLine *apache-socket*) (write-string html *apache-socket*) (setf *close-apache-socket* nil))) (defun debug-table (command) (with-output-to-string (s) (write-string " " s) (format s "" *apache-nb-use-socket*) (loop for (key . value) in command do (format s "" key value)) (write-string "
CLISP + mod_lisp 2.0 + apache + Linux
" s))) (defun fixed-html () "

mod_lisp 2.0

This is a constant html string sent by mod_lisp 2.0 + CLISP + apache + Linux

") (defun write-header-line (key value) (write-string key *apache-socket*) (write-char #\NewLine *apache-socket*) (write-string value *apache-socket*) (write-char #\NewLine *apache-socket*))